
de Toledo Sophomores at Zinman High School

Jaguar Robotics partners with RoboActive 2096 from Dimona, Israel

As part of a unique partnership between de Toledo High School’s Global Jewish Education and Robotics departments, we’ve launched an innovative new exchange with a top rated high school robotics program in Israel.

In fact, the RoboActive Robotics Team at Zinman High School in Dimona (a small desert town in southern Israel) was nominated for the Chairman's/Impact Award in the Israel division this year, and has taken home their championship district's Engineering Inspiration Award for the past three seasons (excluding COVID).

This past fall, Yoad Ohayon, a recent Zinman graduate, came to de Toledo for a two-month residency to personally mentor our students alongside our own amazing robotics mentor William Cornell.

Now, for the first time ever, our 10th grade students – who have already been studying overseas in Israel on our school’s Short Israel Exchange Program (SIEP) – have traveled to Dimona to work hand-in-hand for several days with their peers from Zinman on projects including joint community service work, and learning how we can continue to collaborate from across the world!

Later this Spring, we’ll also be hosting students from the RoboActive team from Dimona on the de Toledo campus before looking for ways to expand the partnership still further into the future!

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