FRC 7415 Team Resources


For the 2023 season, we used a swerve drive run on SDS MK4i L2 Modules. We had a turret system running on custom sprockets (built in house!). On top of this turret system, we had an angled elevator with a telescoping arm. Coming off of this arm is a ball/cube intake that can pick up either from the ground or from the human player station. We created a 1 cube autonomous that also balances the charge station. We competed at the Ventura County Regional and the Las Vegas Regional with our robot, Seraph!

Code and CAD coming soon!

During the offseason, we took on many new challenges! Our main focus was on building a swerve test chassis for the first time in team history! We look forward to using the skills we learn this offseason during the next season. 

Code and CAD coming soon!

We made a West Coast Drive robot with a pneumatically actuated ground intake, a degree-controlled adjustable shooter, a traversal climbing system, and a 1 ball autonomous.

Code and CAD (Coming soon)

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